Longest Hair on a Teenager

Seventeen-year-old Nilanshi Patel, hasn't cut her hair in 10 years, and that decision has led her to a World Record: Longest Hair on a Teenager. Patel, who lives in Gujarat, India, started growing her hair uninterruptedly after an unfortunate haircut at age six.

Patel also gets questions from people who assume her hair gets in the way of everyday activities. "I don't face any problems with my hair. I do all the sports and all the things with me hair," she says. "It's a lucky charm for me, clearly." Nilanshi, who is a student of Class 12, said that she wants to become a software engineer and is currently preparing for the Joint Entrance Exam (JEE) mains.

In a country where the average male height is estimated to be around 5 foot 5 inches, an Indian girl is making headlines for her hair, which measure 6 foot 2.8 inches.

World Record : Longest Hair on a Teenager
World Record Holder : Nilanshi Patel, India
Hair Size : 6 foot 2.8 inches
Record Date : 21 Nov. 2018
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